INICIO  / the zimbabwe mines and minerals act

the zimbabwe mines and minerals act

Mines and Minerals Act - ZimLII

Mines and Minerals Act (1)If the Board is satisfied that a lease holder has failed to comply with any of the terms and conditions of his mining... (2)Where the Board has recommended the recovery of a penalty under paragraph (a) of subsection (1), the

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Mines and Minerals Act veritaszim

Mines and Minerals Act. The downloadable document below is the consolidated text of the Act, incorporating all amendments made up to the 1st August 2021.

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Mines and Minerals Act - ZimLII

2016.12.31  133. Compensation ..... 57

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Mines and Minerals Act unpacked Mining Index Zimbabwe

2021.7.22  The Mines and Minerals Act (Chapter 21:05) (the Act) is the principal Act regulating the mining industry in Zimbabwe. There are several regulations and other

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Zimbabwe: Mines and Minerals Act Unpacked - allAfrica

2021.7.22  The Mines and Minerals Act (Chapter 21:05) (the Act) is the principal Act regulating the mining industry in Zimbabwe. There are several regulations and other

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Mines and Minerals Act unpacked - Mining Zimbabwe

2021.7.22  The Mines and Minerals Act (Chapter 21:05) (the Act) is the principal Act regulating the mining industry in Zimbabwe. There are several regulations and other

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Mines Minerals Bill, H.B. 10, 2022 veritaszim

2023.2.4  This Bill will replace the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 21:05] in order to achieve the following main objects: (a) to change the composition of the Mining Affairs

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Zimbabwe - Mining and Minerals - International Trade

2022.8.2  The government intends to amend the Mines and Minerals Act to make it more progressive and investor-friendly to attract more investment. Companies are

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An overview of key mining laws in Zim - PressReader

2021.7.8  Mines and Minerals Act (Chapter 21:05) This is the principal Act “principal Act” and covers aspects such as acquisitio­n of mining rights, establishm­ent and

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