coal bedding in coal yard
Influence of bedding and cleats on the mechanical
2018.4.30 Coal typically contains discontinuities associated with bedding and cleats. Bedding is the first-level discontinuities in coal, and cleats are the second-level discontinuities in coal. Bedding and cleats form a staggered network that generates
اObtener precioEffects of bedding on the dynamic indirect tensile
2014.10.1 Bedding structure SHPB Lattice spring model 1. Introduction The dynamic mechanical properties of coal are of great importance in coal mining engineering where
اObtener precioInfluence of bedding and cleats on the mechanical properties of a
2018.5.1 The effects of bedding and confining pressure on the non-linear mechanical behavior of coal were quantified. Bedding mainly affects the initial tangent modulus and
اObtener precioDeformation and permeability evolution of coals
2019.5.1 Coal is a kind of sedimentary rock with obvious beddings, especially for normal coals. 1, 2 The existence of beddings weakens the continuity and integrity of
اObtener precioMajor and minor structural features of a bedding shear
2001.8.1 The coal in the bedding shear zone is, on average, much weaker than that from the undeformed coals, and is commonly overprinted by small-scale structures, such
اObtener precioDifferent bedding loaded coal mechanics properties and
2018.4.24 There are significant differences in the mechanical properties of different bedding coals, the vertical bedding coal sample has the largest uniaxial compressive
اObtener precioCracking Behavior and Stress Field Evolution in Coal Specimens ...
During the underground mining process, various coal seams with different bedding structures are often encountered. The presence of bedding structures is one of the
اObtener precioEffect of bedding structural diversity of coal on
2014.2.18 The directionality of coal bedding led to the anisotropy of permeability, which also had a significant impact on the layout of gas extraction boreholes in coal
اObtener precioResearch Article The Effect of Bedding Structure on ... - Hindawi
The coal specimenswere prepared as cylinders with dimensions of Φ50 mm×H100 mm according to the description in ASTM standardD4543-08. To investigate the effect of
اObtener precio>> Next: Rock Crusher Elementary School Fl
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