granulated slag nickel
Nickel Slag - an overview ScienceDirect Topics
Granulated nickel slag is essentially an angular, black, glassy slag “sand” with most particles in the size range of − 2 mm (No. 10 sieve) to + 0.150 mm (No. 100 sieve). It is
اObtener precioUtilization of nickel slag as raw material in the production
2018.12.30 Nickel slag is a granulated slag formed by natural cooling or water quenching of a melt formed during the smelting process of nickel metal, which contains
اObtener precio(PDF) Nickel recovery from metallurgical slags
2005.8.21 PDF In ferronickel (Fe-Ni) production from oxidized nickeliferous ores, mechanical losses of ferronickel in the slag are reduced by magnetic... Find, read and cite all the research you need on ...
اObtener precioPreparation of Denitrification Materials with Nickel Slag for Nitric ...
2023.8.27 Nickel slag is produced during the smelting of metallic nickel and is a granulated slag of molten material that consists mainly of FeO-SiO 2; in addition, it is
اObtener precioInfluence of PT Vale's Granulated Gradation Nickel Slag Aggregate
2018.5.1 In this study, the influence of granulated gradation nickel slag aggregate with aggregate size LS 9.50 mm, LS 5.60 mm, LS 2.36 mm, LS 2.00 mm and the
اObtener precioValue added utilization of ferronickel slags as raw
2020.9.29 The ferronickel slag (FNS) is a by-product formed in the process from molten nickel slag to granulated slag by water quenching in the nickel–iron industry
اObtener precioA Crucial Step Toward Carbon Neutrality in Pyrometallurgical
2023.11.8 Nickel is an important non-ferrous metal which is widely used in machinery, architecture, steelmaking, military, and other fields due to its physical and
اObtener precioNew Slag for Nickel Matte Smelting Process and Subsequent Fe
2017.6.7 The new slag with a composition of 7 to 9 pct MgO, 10 to 15 pct CaO and 1.5 to 1.8 Fe/SiO2 was found to work well for nickel matte smelting. With the increase of
اObtener precioProperties
nickel slag contains majority oxides such as SiO 2 38.85 %, MgO 23.60 %, FeO 29.75 % and Al 2 O 3 4.38 % in wt%. Besides, concrete with 100 % aggregate of nickel slag has
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