platts iodex iron ore price assessment explained
IODEX Iron Ore: metals price assessment - SP Global
Platts Iron Ore Index, or IODEX (IODBZ00), is a benchmark assessment of the spot price of physical iron ore. The assessment is based on a standard specification of iron ore
اObtener precioIODEX Iron Ore: metals price assessment Platts
Platts Iron Ore Index, or IODEX, is a benchmark assessment of the spot price of physical iron ore. The assessment is based on a standard specification of iron ore fines with
اObtener precioSP Global Commodity Insights Iron Ore Services
Platts Iron Ore Index, or IODEX (IODBZ00), is a benchmark assessment of the spot price of physical iron ore. The assessment is based on a standard specification of iron ore
اObtener precioPlatts Assessments Methodology Guide - SP Global
Platts’ objective is to ensure that input data that market reporters use as the basis for their price assessments is of the highest quality. Ensuring that data used in Platts
اObtener precioBenchmark assessment of iron ore (IODEX) - the ICE
Platts benchmarks are the barometer of physical cargo value on the day of trade: that price is the marginal unit, the next immediate delivery-prompt, cash or spot. 普氏基准价反映当
اObtener precioMethodology and Specifications Guide - SP Global
SP Global Platts assesses the value of commodities globally using its Market on Close (MOC) assessment process, and Platts assessments are designed to reflect repeatable
اObtener precioFebruary 2023 Iron Ore Market on Close FAQ - SP Global
The Platts Market on Close assessment process (MOC) is the process Platts editors use to assess the price of iron ore and other commodities. The MOC approach to
اObtener precioTHE PLATTS IODEX BASKET - Platts IODEX basket -
day to day basis. The total price delta between these five core brands is typically $11-$17/mt, and most of the time it is over 10% of the price of a ton of iron ore.
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